Board of Directors
Chairperson (Non Exec) : Sandi Mase Zikalala
She has extensive experience in the public and private sector. Her experience is in financial management/ accounting, auditing and risk management. She has worked for different public entities including the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) as a Portfolio Accountant. Her role and experience range from fund evaluation & performance, investment reporting, fund investment projections and analysis.
Her other experience include effective implementation of financial controls and reporting in compliance with accounting standards and PFMA. Implementation of effective cash management and budgeting controls for entities in her role as Finance Manager.
CEO: Hawk Rakale
Hawk has over 20 years’ experience in the Mining Industry. His experience spans coal underground mining as well as the establishment, capacitating and management of mine services companies. Hawk has worked in various roles from Underground Ganger through to Managing Director. Hawk specializes in turnkey project management, productivity improvement interventions, implementation of turn around strategies as well as the application of TOC (theory of constraints) thinking processes. Hawk founded Sehwai Exploration Drilling and it is under his leadership that the company has made significant gains in its last eleven years of existence
Executive Director : OJ Setshogwe
Non Exec Director: Xolani Ngazimbi
Xolani is the Managing Director of Kasidi Consulting and has extensive research and consulting experience in the area of labour markets, skills development, economic transformation, and social development. Her current work focuses on enterprise development with a focus on youth entrepreneurship. She also assists corporates with developing and implementing transformation strategies. With a passion for socio-economic development, Xolani has previously worked as the Head of Strategy and Planning at the National Empowerment Fund, an organisation mandated to drive black economic empowerment; and as senior researcher at the Human Sciences Research Council where she interrogated the South African post-school education and training sector.
She has studied at the University of Cape Town, New York University and Cambridge University and has authored and co-authored journal articles and essays in the area of identity, transformation and skills development. Because her heart lies in creative writing, she is an aspiring science fiction author.